A Public Debate : Press Freedom and State Secrets

posté le 03/02/20 par Hungry For Press Freedom
lieu : Plug & Pop
adresse : Rue Blaes 132, Bruxelles

Mots-clés  luttes sociales  médias  répression / contrôle social  histoire / archive  luttes numériques / internet  réflexion / analyse  solidarité  projection / débat / concert 

17h30 : Julian Assange divides opinion. The founder of the site WikiLeaks has been called a ‘traitor’ by some and a ‘hero’ by others. On the weekend before his extradition hearing begins in London, we will debate whether freedom of press should extend to state secrets. Two teams will present the pros and cons. Come as an observer or bring your questions to challenge the participants and be ready to change your mind or those of others.

Brussels Debaters facilitates the session. It is one of Belgium’s biggest debating clubs aiming to make our society more inclusive by empowering individuals to exchange views with people from different backgrounds. The group organizes debates on different topics every Wednesday. For more information, go to : https://www.meetup.com/Brussels-Debaters/. (en)

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